Jobs Posted

create a job search agent
As a registered job seeker you have the ability to save up to 5 active job search agents. You can narrow down your search by desired work location, job stream, job type (full-time or part-time, contract or permanent) and desired salary/hourly range.

It’s that easy! Brainhunter will email you whenever jobs that match your requirements are posted to the job board.
upload your résumé
Now you can upload your résumé to Brainhunter in either word, PDF or html. Our easy résumé upload tools allow you to truly customize your résumé with as much or as little pizzaz as you wish.
update existing résumé and profile
Welcome back! Ensure that you are always keeping you résumé and profile up-to-date. Employers are actively reviewing our resume database and are seeing your résumé, so make sure they're seeing the real you. Simply login and update your information.

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